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Water Therapy
Kangen Water is energized water rich in hydrogens, which are negative ions that have incredible benefits for people and animals. Electrolyzed-reduced water activates oxygen and protects DNA from oxidative damage. Physical, emotional, and intellectual vitality are closely linked to free-electron water.

​Benefits of Kangen Water
Increases oxygen delivery, carbon dioxide (CO2) removal
Detoxifies the body
Increases nutrient delivery and red cell production which increases platelet production
Increases circulation
Improve cellular metabolism
Enhances energy production in the presence of glucose
Anti-aging properties
Immune system support
99% of the molecules in our body are water, 80% of the lungs are water
Provides elasticity to muscles and joints
Hydrates brain cells
We offer a 30 day complimentary Water Trial!
Please bring your own jugs and a staff member will show you how to fill jugs and from there it is self-serve anytime the clinic is open!
Questions? - Call or Text Reception: 604-217-2588
Live ERW (Kangen) Water Demo!
Our Kangen team holds Zoom information sessions every Tuesday at 6:00pm PST! Join an expert for an informative session and get your questions answered!
Zoom Meeting ID: 210 235 0128 Passcode: bluegold

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